Michael Scriven had formulated the terms FORMATIVE and SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT to evaluate the students in two aspects i.e., on a regular basis and on a yearly basis.

        FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT                                            

1.It is a part of an instructional process                 

2. It is the assessment taking place along with the teaching process.                                                   

3.It helps teacher to modify future lesson planning based on learner needs

4.It lets the teacher know about the progress in learning and develop remedial measures.

5. Formative assessment may be used before the lesson, during the lesson and after the lesson.

6. Purpose of formative assessment is to provide feedback to the students and not assigning grades.

7.It helps to gather data during the time of program  being developed for the purpose of guiding the teaching learning process.

8. It provides the teacher continuous and immediate feedback so that the teacher can modify his instruction. 

9. It is designed to provide the learners also with immediate feedback.

10.Teacher assesses whether learning objectives have been met.

11. Learner can also monitor ones progress.

12. Teacher determines what the learner knows and can do. 

13. It is feedback oriented or process oriented.

14. It may occur several times during a course unit/ more frequency. 

15. Emphasis is on determinig weaknessess.

16. It involves the provision of remedial measures and wide range of questions can be asked.

17. Thorough sampling of limited content area.

18.It is completed during the development of programme.

19. It is in the form of a dialogue between the teacher and learner.

20.Monitors learning process by getting feedback.

eg. Homework, Assignment, Oral questioning, Conferencing, Observation during class, ,Reflection on Journals, Model exams


1. Assesses the final performance of the students.

2. It facilitates in classifying the students into below average, average and above average students.

3. It checks out the  achievement of instructional objectives.

4. It helps to select a course for admission.

5. It certifies the learners mastery over the subject. 

6.It is used to determine at a particular point in time what students know and dont know.           

7. It is the assessment taking place at the end of an academic year or semester.

8. It is an end of term or semester exam.

9. It is intended to measure learning , typically after a unit/course to gather evidence of desired learning.

10. It often involves comparing results against a standard.

11. It is product oriented. 

12. The aim is not to monitor students during process of instruction, but to assess / grade the overall performance of the students.

13. It assesses whether the overall purpose of instructional objectives are attained.

14. Aim is to evaluate student learning.

15. Summative assessments may occur few times over the course of the academic year. 

16. Can use only a limited number of questions in a particular pattern.

17.Restricted sampling around a large content area.

18. It is completed after the development of programme.

19. It tests learning outcomes against a set of objectives.

20. Checks the final status of the learner.

eg. Final exams, end semester exams, Yearly exam, Projects, Self evaluation etc.

